Add Your Local Drinking Spots to Our Mailing List!

At, we’re always on the lookout for exceptional local drinking spots to join our Exclusive Directory. If you own or know of a gem that deserves to be in the spotlight, fill out the form below to add your local establishment to our mailing list.

Why Join Our Mailing List?

  1. Visibility Boost: Be the first to know about opportunities to elevate your establishment’s visibility on
  2. Exclusive Promotions: Receive exclusive promotions and marketing insights to attract more patrons to your venue.
  3. Community Connection: Join a community of local drinking establishments, share insights, and stay informed about industry trends.

Mailing List Sign-Up Form:

if(requireName && frm.bftpro_name.value=="") { alert("Please provide name"); frm.bftpro_name.focus(); return false; }

if("" ||"@")<1 ||".")<1) { alert("Please provide a valid email address");; return false; } // check custom fields var req_cnt = frm.elements["required_fields[]"].length; // there's always at least 1 if(req_cnt > 1) { for(i = 0; i